Thursday, October 18, 2012

Brightness controller 1.4.2

Brightness controller 1.4.2 is finally ready for the masses :-). GET IT HERE

And just like 1.3.1 this version adds support for a 20" Apple Cinema Display. But this time it's the older 2003 version with acrylic frame.

Apple Cinema Display 20"

Another new feature is support for multiple displays at once. (screenshot comming up later).

There are also some other minor changes and fixes.

Full Changelog

1.4.2 - 18/10-2012

- Added support for 20" Cinema Display with acrylic frame.
- Enabled multi screen support.
- Fixed system tray right click menu position when DPI scaling is higher than 100%.
- Lots of code changes including improved threading and performance.
- Fixed some power management issues that might prevent the PC from going to sleep.
- Brightness controller now requires .net 4.5 installed.